Okay I want the mods to personally comment on this (more in comments)

So I was on a post that was with this guy and as you know he was harrassing me as well if anyone else was there. (He said something about how the game can't be nodded your a fucking idiot and that you don't know anything you stupid retard). Stuff like that. I know you guys say witchhunting isn't allowed and neither is modding the game or cheating good for the sub. So my question is why haven't you banned him? I asked a moderator u/iisshaaq if you banned the other person in this case u/Scared-Bowl. You said yes. And apparently after our discussion I thought it was best to delete my comment as I admitted I was wrong. I assume u/Scared-Bowl did the same. Now I don't have his comment screen shotted but apparently I believe it's the guy that constantly is harrassing me and I have him blocked. I will sincerely leave this community as multiple people are attacking me and you moderates don't ban them. And now that are framing me?! I see why the developers stay away and I'll honestly turn down becoming a mod because I have applied already. I genuinely believe that this guy is obsessed with me here is a post https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/comments/eqpwdh/i_dont_know_if_hes_a_modder_or_a_whale_but_damn/. If all you guys do here is attacking me for just one thing that I did wrong because I was having a really bad day I will happily leave this sub.

/r/DragonballLegends Thread Link - i.imgur.com