Why is it okay to portray a originally white character with a POC actor, but not okay to portray a originally POC character with a white actor?

In the entire span of western civilization the only creations of Africans are ruins and leftover Roman colonies that were decimated and barely functioning after the middle age Islamic conquests. Most of their language and writing has been lost or irrelevant to its own time that it was replaced by a conquering body or kingdom, unlike Europe that retained remnants and it's complete languages for over 2500 years. When western art is created it originally was representative of it's creators. Just like how french renaissance art contains french women depicted in scenes of Greek mythology. If a scene from metamorphosis was created in Ethiopia it would, more than likely have all Africans in the painting. The fact is nobody created any art, paintings or media that has lasted the span of western civilization to have a modern and clear picture of Africa. That's why most black media just focuses on the slave era or the chaotic tribal warfare of Africa, with nothing in-between. Such as a historical movie about an Ethiopian king,per se.

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