Is it okay to secretly look forward to being dead?

Sure. Except for all the people like John McCain and other POWs who lost their limbs or sight or sanity. Or Holly Dunn who was kidnapped and raped and tortured. Or people starved in Auwshwitz or Myanmar or Syria. People who have had to live with the memories of their attackers and the physical disabilities of their tortures. Those who have had to live their life in constant physical and emotional pain because of what happened to them.

To be honest, to me, it doesn't appear to me that you have given this much thought and instead believe that portraying others (or yourself) as somehow largely more victimized than they actually are is somehow redeeming to them? Maybe it's a pain is life situation. I'm not sure I know your motivation. Maybe you're depressed and you can only see from your own experiences. I dont know. Whatever it is, I appreciate you sharing your views but they are unconvincing to me.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent