"It's okay when we do it"

so I cherry picked huh ? please state the proper number of articles similar to that story that I have to post to prove its not cherry picked. you cant just keep moving goal posts so I want a number. state a firm number so you cant wriggle out of it. you do know that canada now bans folding knife imports right ?

if you don't have access to automatic rifles

who said anything about automatic rifles ? are you still so uneducated on the subject that you think this is what the debate is about ?

there are TONS of restrictions on guns that have had zero effect on crime but you think we are so stupid that adding more will help.

its already proven not to ffs

you should do this. its really simple. go find two shootings that you think could have been prevented, link the article and then state exactly what law would have prevented it.

go on, put your money where your mouth is.

/r/Firearms Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it