
Just a shitty anecdote you probs don't care about but here's some perspective. A few years back when I was using tumblr for the gore community I had a mutual who lived here in America, completely american from head to toe. Was of some middle eastern descent but otherwise he was a totally nice and seemingly rational guy, didn't seem affiliated with anything regarding islam. goes inactive for like half a year and next thing i know this fucking kid, who was probably like 19 came back and started posting swathes of gore with no source and his name signed on a piece of paper. i guess someone reported him and he got terminated like a week after.

but still, couldn't believe that shit. probably the first time I saw gore and felt sick and ever since then i haven't been into it. i think it's easy to believe that terrorists fit into a stereotype but this dude seemed normal and technologically inclined. Did not fit the bill whatsoever.

/r/killthosewhodisagree Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it