“Oklahoma prison guards now work mandatory 12 hour shifts, five to six days a week — what boils down to a 60- to 72-hour work week.”

People are aware. They just don't care.

What do you want Joe B. Devonemployee to do about it? He's got his Ford Fiesta and 401k plan and a house in Moore. He votes every 4 years and attends church regularly. He's glad that the scary bad men aren't in his gated neighborhood, but his pastor says that the day of reckoning is coming and his only hope is to buy a concrete hidey hole and a big boy gun. Joe's safe and happy and content.

That's like 90% of Oklahomans. They don't want to pay more in taxes and they feel like things are generally okay for themselves.

Dunno what kind of a thing it'd take for the average person to start really caring about investing in criminal justice reform.

/r/oklahoma Thread Parent Link - readfrontier.org