Olaf in the new Cinematic

Two major issues I have with the cinematic;

1) The big glaring one: I understand that the team that does all of the cinematics is completely separate from the game play and balance team, but they can remember Olaf exists in the comics, the art pieces and the cinematics, but Riot seems to have completely forgotten that Olaf is a champion. Yeah, we got our recent W revert buff, but the guy has been the exact same since the day he was released; no ability tweaks, nothing. They've pretty much chalked it up to "eh, we're fine with ignoring the fact that his kit is so outdated that everything we push out today outshines him by magnitudes."

I'm glad to see love for Olaf in this cinematic, but seriously Riot, show him some love in game.

2) His size and age. In the comics, Olaf was canonically a giant, even in comparison to most freljordians, who are all absolutely massive. I think it was in the Sejuani comics, but I could be wrong, there was a comment made about his size, and someone made mention that Olaf is as tall as Sejuani is when she's mounted on her boar. In this cinematic, Olaf looks like a regular 6 foot nothing dude with muscles the size of tree trunks. I'm not usually a stickler for lore consistency, but both Volibear and Olaf seem to have been modeled to be "Realistic," when the characters in this universe don't share that same lack of power fantasy. Olaf is supposed to be a 9 foot towering hulk of a man in his late 70s, and we got your stereotypical fantasy viking.

That said, volibears reveal irked me a bit too. He's supposed to be a fantasy aspect that's taken the form of a bear; a massive, unrealistically gigantic bear, and he looks smaller that Sejuanis boar. Did the cinematic team just forget they were working with a magical fantasy universe?

/r/Olafmains Thread