Old school? new school? modern? meta? HALP!


Most Effective Tactic Available.

In survivor, like video games, the meta evolves. What is the current meta may only be so until the meta shifts. Generally the meta might only shift when adjustments to the game are made.

The problem with games and Survivor especially is that the meta gets stale and a stale meta is no fun to watch. There’s been multiple seasons where the final few episodes were more like a precessional for the eventual winner with no mystery. Or where players — especially the super fans castaways — attempt to strictly adhere to the meta assuming this will get them to the final 3. (This is also why Russell was so popular and effective in his first season because he said fuck the meta, subsequently he evolved the game a lot. He’s not one of the greatest players ever but he is certainly one of the most influential).

Unfortunately the castaways themselves rarely evolve the meta as rapidly as is required for the sake of quality television.

The biggest way to shift a boring meta? Surprise twists. Once introduced a twist or even the threat or idea that a twist exists and may come into play can really shift the meta.

ex: players watch season 76 and see X twist really cause problems for strategies, and now in season 77 they have to keep X twist in mind at all times. This forces the META to shift and continue to shift till it finds a new comfortable place.

Now, twist X may never come into play after season 76 (has there ever been another mutiny, as example), but the thought that twist X from season 76 could pop up again can often be enough for players to make adjustments against the meta.

We saw this last season when the final 3 fire making contest was introduced. This, despite what conspiracy theorists are suggesting, was done to break the meta rather than give Ben the win. Final 3s have too often become two people being asked questions with a possibility either may win annnnnd one blueberry sat in the middle not being asked a question because they have no chance.

This has been by design. When it was final 2 it was the same thing. One person who will likely win and one person who no one remembers the name of. So they introduced final 3, again, this was done to break the meta of final 2 strats. But now strategy has evolved to compensate for this and you have great players mapping their way to victory, with combinations such as: the dummy, the shield and the victor to be.

This new twist really throws a wrinkle in that and we may actually begin to see final 3s with 3 people who deserve the Win.

/r/survivor Thread