Old woman says "you deserved to get raped" to a younger woman referring to her so called "REVEALING" dress.

Unfortunately a lot of people in the position of power think this same way. Including the sexual assault detectives and judge when I reported my abusive ex after he brutally raped me.

You know what I had on? My favorite long sleeved knee length dress I’d been wearing a couple times a week for over three years. But yeah, that’s why he raped me. The dress. That he’d seen me in a 100 times. Not because he is a literal psychopath.

It’s ok though because the sexual assault detectives told me I’m really pretty and that he wouldn’t be the last guy that I meet and I should ‘stop letting it make me feel bad.’...so ya know, who cares that he raped me til I was bleeding and couldn’t walk! And on the same day he passed his medical boards to become a doctor. Right? No big deal.

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