The older I get the less I'm able to enjoy video games

What I noticed for myself is that the huge volume of released games got me quite overwhelmed over the years. I started to add so many games to wishlists, bought them in bundles/sales and whatnot, that I accumulated hundreds of games. Of which I actually played only a small percentage and finished an even smaller percentage.

I was at some point very interested in them, but I played like 2-3 other games on the side, too. So I always told myself "I gonna play this new game, when I finished these 2-3 others I'm playing right now". Which then leads to forgetting it or actually losing interest.

When I was young there was rarely a situation like that. The games I knew were only a few and each genre was mostly dominated by only a small handful of titles. So I concentrated on only one game and played it until I finished it, often even replaying it if I really liked it.

So I think nowadays it boils down for me being interested in too many titles, which then brings me to be actually not interested at all even without trying them out. I think that is the reason I prefer MMOs, or games which you can casually return to whenever you feel like it without studying where you have left off and practically relearn the whole game again.

/r/patientgamers Thread