older MTF, actually a midlife crisis?

Well, if they have secrets, aren't those also considered lies? They have who they know they are, and who they present to the world, while they may not be completely different in who they show to who they are in private, they are still going through life, ultimately lying about who they are.

As for the transition and its supposed sexism, I don't see it, the vast majority of trans people I've met and talked with, simply want to be themselves, feel comfortable in their bodies. A side affect of self-confidence can be that they feel more comfortable being sexual, and there's also the potential for overcompensation, wherein, someone has spent their life doing it the opposite of how they want to, so they seek out the experiences they missed out on. Is it always done in a healthy way? No, but that doesn't mean that they see women as only sexual objects, just that they have a lot of things pent up inside waiting to break free.

I try to just bring a realistic point of view, are there sexist trans people? Yeah, but are there people who aren't trans and sexist? You bet, in the numbers aspect, someone who isn't trans is more likely to be sexist than a trans person.

That said, there are men with "sissy" fetishes, which are kind of entirely encapsulating what I think people mistake trans people for doing. Do some trans people go through a phase of, "sissy" fetishizing? Yeah, and it's unfortunate, but repression and desperation make for bad choices, I'm not defending it, that whole fetish makes me uncomfortable, but after talking to a trans woman who spent an unfortunate amount of time in that fetish, they said they regret it, but also don't, because it lead them to accept who they are, albeit in a much healthier way that isn't about the whole, "porn" part.

I rambled, I think people are people and we need to let them live their truth, of course, there are exceptions to that, I'm well aware people like to take that and go, "Oh, we should let pedophiles live their truth?" No, that's a very negative truth, and while I don't support the fetish of sissy stuff, I think in this current day and age, it's a necessary evil for some people to discover themselves, do I hope that eventually it becomes a relic that people look back on and go, "Dang, I can't believe that was something people had to go through before they could accept and be themselves."

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