Older Redditors: What questions do you have for younger people?

  1. Not really sure, racial slurs mostly.
  2. Emo is basically an emotional person or something, in a way it's kind of the opposite of punk.
  3. Neither but I know plenty of people my age who do(for the record, I'm 15).
  4. I like a lot of the history around Japan, and World War 2 and the Holocaust I find pretty interesting.
  5. Ehh I wouldn't say people are pressured into liking it really, maybe some people.
  6. I use the word cool often and so do a lot of people I know, I feel like people use it less than they used to though.
  7. Mainstream music from older generations seems a lot better than mainstream music now honestly.
  8. I don't know too many people with either of those. But I know a large amount of people with anxiety and depression disorders.
  9. Honestly yes, but if not my life time maybe soon after.
  10. Play guitar for sure. I have one but never learned.
  11. As far as celebrities go I don't really pay attention to them.
  12. Depends on your major and where you go to college I think.
  13. I don't really know. They still say that a lot here, maybe smoking, drinking, and women they usually say it's okay to say no to sex if they feel uncomfortable.
  14. Well my plans may be subject to change, but graphic design seems cool to me.
  15. Well I just don't put things on the internet I don't want people to see. Other than that though there are cameras basically everywhere, and quite frankly I don't really like it.
  16. Relative and contextual I suppose.
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