Older redditors, what's something us youngsters think we invented but is actually from your generation?

My dad figured out with stealing booze from his dad.

"You beat the shit out of me when I was younger, if you hit me again I will kill you, not now because your are stronger but in 10 years that wont be the same. There is a reason I drink and that reason is you."

My dad had a mild admire pure hatred relation with his father, as my dad got older he understood why he was fuck head (My dad is adopted so you know, more reason to hate your adopted father for being a shit head) the dude lost both his parents when he was 15 had to drop out of school to support his younger siblings so they could be educated, basically gave up ten years of his life for his younger siblings because the government was pre socialist and this was the great depression, he died at 54 from heart conditions from the scarring his heart received from rheumatic heart fever when he worked through a storm with it because Health<Keeping a roof over his younger brother and sister.

The man was partly broken but had a desire to make sure he could keep a kid from going through an experience he did, his view towards my dad was like

"GOD DAMN, you are feed, warm, sheltered, cared for. The fuck more do you need, all those things I never pull your fucking head out of your ass *grap and hit to drive point in. Your fucked if the cops pull you over for stealing my car with out a licence, I will not let you fuck your life up as a stupid, ignorant teenager"

Dude was trying to protect my dad but lacked the skills to explain it properly and resorted to violence to try and keep him inline. Sad story really, my dad only saw him a few times on his death bed, didn't see him at all for a week before he died. Partly regrets that, partly doesn't.

Just a case of a broken person doing what he thought was the best way to stop a kid he was trying to save from the horrendous state care system from fucking his live up as a stupid teenager.

But yeah, threaten to kill your adopted father if he's the reason you drink because of abuse.

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