Older sibling of reddit, why are you guys such assholes?

I wouldn't say that. I've good manners, I have skills of empathy and I treat my younger siblings with way more respect than either deserve.

The cunts, aged 11 and 13 can be the most insufferable assholes I've ever had the displeasure of knowing when they happen to be. Like people have already addressed, younger siblings have it way easier in most cases because the eldest child was a guinea pig of sorts, and the parents were way more strict and less forgiving when it came down to punishments. Making the younger ones less afraid of breaking rules or lying ect.

But... I still love them very much. I get that they're teenagers, and when they are not being insufferable assholes we get along great. My younger brother (11) shares my interest in games and our cats, funnily enough. And with my sister (13) we often just sit down and talk about things that piss us off or things we don't like in general, it's a healthy way for her to clear her mind of negative thoughts.

/r/AskReddit Thread