Oman storm brings three years' rainfall in single day

Yes it does. I hate to sound pedantic, but hear me out here.

  • I depends on the location. 3 years of rain sounds nuts, but if I said that was desert rain, that's wildly different than rainforest rain. It's kinda like how people can fudge stats. Like if I said murders increased 100% in an area, but neglected to tell you the previous rate was 0 per year, and now it's 1 per year.

  • My comment was speaking mostly of how the vid makes it seem like a river is flowing from the sky, when in reality it's water flowing from overhead cover. That's why there was a person walking casually through it. As bad as it was, it wasn't the Armageddon sheets from the sky that we perceived at first.

  • Finally, this is the result of a twister and hurricane. The title made it sound like this was some freak happening, when in actuality this is a hurricane we are witnessing. While bad, and serious, it is something entirely different. Saying that a hurricane dropped 3 years of water in an area is big news, but it isn't the same as saying it suddenly just rained 3 years worth in a day

So please understand where my comment is coming from. I'm not downplaying the severity. Just pointing out that it wasn't portrayed to be accurate. Think of it like hearing about how a guy saved 100 babies from a burning house, but learned that the guy saved a cage full of 100 baby hamsters from a burning house. Still heroic, still worthy of praise, just a different picture than what was painted initially.

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