Why on earth does American culture hide/shame/discourage exploring your sexuality and all of the mysteries/wonders to be learned?

I mean, no dipshit. Still waiting for your sources to support your fag argument. But you don't have any do you? I'll indulge your idiocy for a second here: Most days I dont give a fuck. Wanting to fuck is a human biological need, but I usually don't care. And I value my intelligence and dignity over mindlessly worshipping toxic femininity anyways, fag. That's what nice guys do. They're responsible for the inflated female ego, not me.

"hA tHe iNcEl tHiNks hEs sMaRt hEs sO uPsEt nO 1 l1KEs hIm I sUcK dIcK dAiLy I hAvE mEaNiNg

Awww someones triggered like the little fag snowflake they are. So how is your ART treatment? Hope youre getting it so you aren't spreading your gross fag filth around

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