On the "Jewish conspiracy", if immigration and marxism are the work of Jews why do they seem to work against them?

They're safer among immigrants and minorities. However, in the case of Europe they are trying to get Jews to leave Europe and come to Israel. Many of the politicians that support this immigration are Jewish and have been known to state their loyalty to Israel. President Schultz from Germany is a good example of this. He stated, "Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people". These are the jews who pushed hardest for the 1965 open immigration law. In the point of Huma, her deep ties are to Saudi Arabia and Israel and the Saudis have been known to work together. On top of this 8/9 of Obamas advisers are Jewish as well, so if you think there is a muslim threat you are entirely wrong. In fact, this settlement drama being portrayed is just a victim card for Trump to come in perfectly and claim hard allegiance. However, I would like to say that I am pro israel. Just not at the expense of other countries blood. They are an ethno-nationalist state and I respect that, however the usury is disgusting and grotesque. I'd also like to say I am not a fascist so maybe I am not equipped to answer this, I am just here to see different viewpoints. Let's not forget that immigration is also good for the bankers and will relieve the debt and put it on the backs of new immigrants. However, I'd say the left is pretty split on Israel, and I'd also say to claim that all jews are apart of some wide conspiracy is absolutely ridiculous. They may have aspects that they are taught, but the real fear is the international satanic jews that control the banks, politicians, and media.

/r/DebateFascism Thread