On July 4th, 2020, A group of white men attacked and held down a black man, from his white friends who were going to hang out at Lake Monroe, Indiana. They threatened to lynch him for being on "private property." He was thankfully released and left with his friends.

And the posting of this OP is also a form of propaganda is it not? What is the narrative that the OP video is trying to convey? People are more than welcome to compile videos of white people attacking black people as a rebuttal to the video that I shared but I fear that I would be waiting a long time.

And where did I condone what happened in this video? I didn't. I happen to think that it is abhorrent. However, if you hadn't noticed, there is already plenty of hatred and divisiveness in the West at the moment. Only not coming from the people that you would be likely to say it's coming from. As a matter of fact, the racial group most strongly supporting division and separation is black folks but that's another uncomfortable truth that I'm sure you'll ignore and instead peddle the ol' "diversity is our strength" trope. Well look where that got us. Not just white people disagree with you either but you're probably too locked into your liberal, egalitarian, post enlightenment mindset to acknowledge that. Also, I'm not American.

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