On LCL League, Rox only banned support champions against all-female roster from Vaevictis Esports.

That's silly, female teams shouldn't be pampered just because they're female, if you can't handle BM you shouldn't be playing competitively. Getting roasted goes hand in hand with sucking.

They found a lot of people cheering for them, because who doesn't love an underdog?
Despite not being nearly as powerful, they did SOMETHING, and they're happy for that. It's a small conquest, but for them, it was huge. It was the first goal scored by this amateurish team in an international stage, against a pretty powerful team, on the country that's known for having the best football in the world. For them, it was huge, and that's what matters.

The key here is that they stuck around despite getting slammed and likely getting made fun of, I doubt they had regular fans from day one. Literally any new team, regardless of their sex, won't be taken seriously until they prove they're committed to what they're doing.

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