Firstly I'm considering beginner to be more of the "your 1RM's aren't yet 1-4 plates for OHP, bench, squat, deadlift respectively." Second, there's many many people that go to the gym a few times a week for years and never become meat fridges despite thinking that they're lifting heavy enough and eating enough protein, so there is some nuance to it. Understanding the intricacies can't hurt so making fun of those that do and posting their comments on r/fcj just further demonstrates this sub's refusal to discuss things that do matter even if each thing is only a little bit and adds up synergistically. For example, OP has a popular post about AMRAPs and when to and when not to use them. That's also nitty gritty. You can become a meat fridge without ever doing an AMRAP. You can become one by doing them often. In fact the template I'd been optimizing literally was to incorporate the AMRAP of Nuckols standard template to modify next time's starting weight of a more LP formatted template of his. And making sure each muscle group hits 15 sets per week. You might call it "silly minutia" but tracking progressive overload, maintaining ~80% RM in lifts, and getting in 10-20 sets of volume per week is pretty standard stuff

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