On Nick's podcast, Hannah said her ex

I feel like I can kinda relate to her on this regard... bad taste in men is really hard to fix and get past and even when I thought I “got over it”, it actually took a lot of learning and self reflection to truly understand why I was that way and why I dealt with it and almost “attracted” it.

It’s really frustrating to watch, but I could never hate her for it or even dislike her. She has many great qualities, her picker just isn’t always on point. Plus, aside from Hed’s confession about his music on the show, he hasn’t done anything (yet) to make her feel like he’s a bad guy. Even the other contestants really liked him. That being said though, cameras only show us so much.

Point is, I think she definitely has some problems with choosing the wrong guys to allow in her life, but that’s something she needs to learn for herself.

/r/thebachelor Thread