On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you think your body falls?

Probably 8.6. Guys who are into swimmer's builds like me a lot. I have a low body fat percentage so I sort of look fit even if I don't hit the gym. I've been offered money for sex a lot on social apps.

How do you think it's impacted dating/meeting guys for you?

It can be frustrating when you want to know someone and take it slow, but they get so thirsty and just want sex.

One guy I was in a relationship with was attracted to me but felt very unfit in comparison. It brought out his self esteem issues and actually caused some friction between us. I actually like guys with a bit of beefiness to them, so going after different body types can cause that scenario. My friends sometimes scoff when I tell them my dating woes because odds seem stacked in my favor.

I don't send shirtless photos in apps right away. I usually keep it pretty PG. When things do get hot and heavy I'm not shy to take off my shirt and pants.

Is it something you're trying to improve?

I sort of just want to maintain the status quo. I lift weights and eat pretty healthy.

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