On TRP men, submissiveness and sycophancy and not getting laid

Mate choice -> women preferring the 'best they can get' to further their genes--has more or less always been this way, hence hypergamy.

Culture & economy -> could be argued to be results of survival instincts for the most part (capitalism and democracy), which also goes back to biology...

Basic biological instinct for life is to survive and pass on one's genes...which most people still do in this world, and will do.

Of course, some individuals realizing that they should benefit the world instead, i.e by not having children, not being greedy, etc etc...arguably these are survival instincts too, because if we don't reduce our population count we are sorta screwing the environment and ourselves. This also includes women realizing they don't need to be submissive, they don't need to be caretakers or mothers, etc.

Which is fine, to each their own, if it makes them happy.

However, no one has really looked at the consequences of denying our basic instincts, and this is where a lot of the issues that happen in modern relationships stem from.

When a woman is in charge of her relationship and starts getting frustrated that her husband doesn't seem "good enough", she doesn't realize it's because it isn't in her instinct to take control and make decisions in the first place.

Can people make it work? I'm sure there are cases out there of happy, successful couples with a female lead. But given the divorce rate I would say it isn't quite working for the majority.

It's probably a result of both partners trying to fight for power in the relationship. I'm sure we can both agree that having one person lead is much better than two pulling one another in opposite directions.

All my drabble aside, you keep telling me these human instincts are economically and culturally driven, and I would honestly be really happy to learn how. But you haven't explained your reasoning at all, so if you could, I would feel enlightened.

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