On vacation with methadone ugh

Op, I kinda understand where you’re coming from. My boyfriend feels his dose “run through him” faster when he’s sweating a lot. It puts him in a weird position because he knows that exercise, working, and staying active are really important, but he already sweats so much from the side effects of methadone that increasing his physical activity tends to make him sick even faster. We live in an area with extremely hot summers, and the clinic doctor recommends patients go up during the summer, especially those who work outside and/or have a manual labor job. One summer my boyfriend went up like 30 mg due to this but that’s what it took for him to stay clean so that’s ok.

The consensus on this sub though is that sweating doesn’t actually I don’t know the science to support either side, it’s quite possible that it is mental. But our clinic doc does acknowledge this is an issue for his patients during peak summer weather. Whether it’s all in people’s head or not isn’t so important, if you feel like shit you feel like shit whether it manifested in your head or if you truly lack enough methadone in your body.

If this is a constant issue for you during hot weather I would consider a slight dose increase during the summer as well. If this is just a one time thing however that is due to being outside all day and running around Disneyland, perhaps next time try to see if you can buy an extra bottle from someone to make up for the methadone you feel that you are losing from sweating outside. I would imagine staying very hydrated and drinking some extra electrolytes during days like these wouldn’t hurt either. Plus of course try to stay focused on making memories and get your mind off the sick feeling in case it really is just mental. Hope you’re able to try to enjoy the rest of your vacation.

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