On a video of a guy going to far; he beats up the instigator while they're the ground: "A lot of people have this attitude that if someone hits you, you hit them back. I think this is wrong. If someone hits you, you beat them fucking senseless that way they never ever think about hitting you again."

On a video of a guy going to far; he beats up the instigator while they're the ground: "A lot of people have this attitude that if someone hits you, you hit them back. I think this is wrong. If someone hits you, you beat them fucking senseless that way they never ever think about hitting you again."

In reply to Waddupp on "Girl starts a fight and attacks a guy in class, gets destroyed.":

Man i can understand these comments if he was just defending himself but not this time.

they didn't say a thing when he pushed her to the ground and hit her once or twice because it was still a fight. but as soon as it's clear that this isnt a fight anymore but instead just a pure beatdown, they step in. He stopped 'defending himself' the second he was laying punches into her while she was on the ground.

It's the exact same as every schoolboy fight video. Nobody does a thing when it's a clear fight, but as soon as it's clear that one person can't do anything to defend themselves, they step in.

At 2015-03-06 15:25:23 UTC, oscarasimov wrote [+329 points: +329, -0]:

I don't agree with this.

A lot of people have this attitude that if someone hits you, you hit them back. I think this is wrong. If someone hits you, you beat them fucking senseless that way they never ever think about hitting you again. You beat them so bad that in a couple days when they start thinking about how they'd like to get revenge on you, the idea immediately vanishes when they remember the unholy beating you laid on them.

The guy in the video wasn't defending himself against the attacker just in that moment, he was defending himself against the attacker for the rest of his life. That requires a message to be sent.


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