One of Apdo's main accounts got unbanned. Currently 23-0 in ranked.

just like xj9 is on NA to bad riot permanently banned his IP so he can't show himself ever and always has to play through VPN in the underground and he also can't go into challenger or masters cause then he would get found out aswell cause of his playstyle and champions

riot really hates him for no fucking reason. i have stalked xj9 for the past 3 years and i know almost everything what he did and that everything combined does not warrant such an extreme mobbing from riot.

i seriously don't give a shit about any "pro" streamers cause they are all shit and don't give a shit about solo queue so they only play half assed which is not enjoyable to watch at all. xj9 always played to carry the game and he did 90% but if he would come back now he wouldn't be able to carry that many cause now there are so many people who simply hate xj9 for no reason cause they just follow the hatetrain from other people and throw the games on purpose when they play with him, (could see that when he was "unbanned" for one day and also when his girlfriend was playing but everyone thought it was xj9 and she lost so many games cause people just throwed the game on purposed cause "xj9 is a bad guy lets throw this game he doesn't deserve to win" )without even informing themselfs what xj9 even did and most people tell lies about xj9 cause they also don't know what exactly happened, i mean it's kinda hard to find out the whole truth it took me more than 2 years to find it out and seriously xj9 doesn't deserve all this hatred and mobbing

i just want my soloqueue hero back cause currently there is no soloqueue hero that streams and plays like an absolute god that has 9+ accounts in diamond1+ tier and his main on rank1 challenger

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