One building in France appears to be worth more than entire cities in Syria, Libya and Yemen going by our "world leaders" and social media reactions

You think western liberal democracies happened without Judeo-Christian influence? Like it or not, Christianity is and has always been the most civilizing of the world religions, in the long term. It didn't jump straight to complete egalitarianism, but throughout history, it was one of the few that treated women with some semblance of respect and allowed them to contribute to society. It was the basis for elimination of slavery (despite some proof texting used to justify same) and it formed the basis for a shared culture across the whole of Europe which was not based on conquest of a particular state. For hundreds of years, it permeated every aspect of life for the whole of the continent, from family to government to the arts to architecture, and was something with an underlying peaceful and loving message virtually everyone could identify witheven if they didn't always live up to it, This shared cultural umbrella allowed for peaceful interactions and trade where possible and provided limitations on violence and possibilities for mediation where peace was not present. Christianity and the monastic tradition arguably formed the basis for the university system we still enjoy and even helped codify the scientific method. Christianity strengthened families and condemned divorce. Christianity and Christian philosophers reshaped legal systems and effectively created the idea of individual rights based on natural law. Christianity (and Judaism) were instrumental in creating western civilization. It's fair to say that without that contribution, there would not be a western civilization.

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