One can dream, can't we?

This has happened before. Last time, when AMD overhyped Vega, Nvidia got scared and released the GTX 1000 series at competitive prices, but then they found out that Vega actually couldn't compete in gaming (until much later, after many driver updates), but in the meantime, gamers got the GTX 1000 series at great value.

Nvidia won't make that same mistake again. It's easier to start with high prices and lower them later. You look like a hero. It's much more difficult to start at a low price and then raise them later on, unless you stop production on current products and re-release them as "Ti" or "Super" variants, with slight modifications.

This time, Nvidia will keep their high prices and will only lower them if AMD is truly competitive. Jebait me once, shame on me. Jebait me twice, don't jebait me bro.

/r/pcmasterrace Thread