One of the Indian women sentenced to be gang-raped speaks of her fear

Bullshit. This allegation is made by one person: Kumari's lawyer. If there is no proof, how did the lawyer learn the details? The lawyer admits he has no direct knowledge. He can't point to any person with direct knowledge. He can't say where this information came from. His explanation is "These things have been known to happen, and that establishes that it actually happened in this case.". Kumari's sister and father say they have no reason to think it happened. This case does not turn on lack of proof. The lawyer alleges that this action was taken by an all-male khap panchayat. But this khap panchayat is 80% female, and its leader is female. The lawyer alleges this action took place at a meeting at a certain time. Police have established that the khap panchayat did not meet at that time. The lawyer claims he has not been to the village or spoken to any of the actors. He did claim, however, that he has "DOCUMENTARY PROOF. Until the hoax was exposed. Now? No more documentary proof.

And his client? She says she has no knowledge that such a thing happened, but merely that the khap panchayat, the one that is 80% women and led by a woman, persecutes women. She claims she heard about the sentence from her father. After he denied that he had any reason to believe that the story was true.

How did the lawyer, who can't get the details about the gender of the council, or the dates of their meetings right, determine with such precision that the sentence was (1) parade, (2) naked, (3) blackened faces, (4) rape? If there is no evidence, no records, no witnesses, how was this information conveyed to him?

I accuse you of raping, killing, and eating ten babies. "Naturally" you deny it. There is no proof, but that does not mean it didn't happen. Therefore, my story is not a hoax.


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