one liner, give me karma

What kind of help my man? If you mean like an answer to some question, Reddit is full of Wannabe experts and kids. And I mean kids, I still can't get over how young the demographics of this website have gotten, I joined back in c.a 2012 and it was mostly autistic nerds and geeks, was toxic as fuck back then but now, boy, it's full of corporate bullshit and children eager to DOWNVOTE your butt cheeks to death and call you names as if that'll make a difference.

People will tell you that small subs are fine or whatever, that's not true. Reddit is just its own special breed of close minded arm-chair fucks with zero life experience. "Our Lord and savior Elon Musk is going to take us to Mars using his billionaire electric powered penis". "Weed is the miracle cure all". "Trump drumpf politics AMIRITE". "WHATS THAT YOI DONT AGREE WITH MY SIMPLISTIC UNEDUCATED RIGID VIEW OF CLIMATE CHANGE? GUESS WHAT YOU'RE BEING REPORTED TO GRETA THUNBERG AND HER ARMY OF ASPIE DOING-IT-FOR-FREE MODS".

You know what, OP, fuck you, I mean who's sensitive enough to care about this shit and fuck Reddit as well for that matter, and fuck me too because I hate myself enough to loiter around here in this toxic cesspool. I just have no better alternative.

/r/Negareddit Thread