One of the many large caves found on Mars

You have no idea how much that resonates for me. I've always wanted to be an astronaut, ever since I was a little kid - the universe itself was just so fascinating to me. Anyways, my first year of college, I decided that I wouldn't go for a STEM degree because I was terrible at math - ok, maybe not terrible, but I surely wasn't innately good at math and my whole life I pretty much grew up disliking math(partly because of how bad math teachers are these days) and when I finally was given the opportunity to pursue my dream, I punked out and told myself I wasn't smart enough to be an astrophysicist, ergo I chose to become a business major. Second semester rolls in and I fucking hate the classes I was taking - everything was uninteresting and I had no motivation to do any work. Here's where it all changed - I signed up for an astronomy course at our local community college(they have an observatory and we would take bi-weekly trips there) because eh, why not, the math should be simple enough for me to not go bat shit crazy - and boy, let me tell you. I was enthralled by what I was learning in that class. I developed a new-found appreciation for math and at that point I realized that the universe was telling me "HEY! YOU! So what if you're not great at math! No one starts being good at anything, you weenie! Who cares if you have to put in more work than your peers, who cares if you have to spend long hours at the library, who cares if you have to wake up 2 hours before your first morning class just to catch up on stuff you were struggling with, YOU have something they don't! PASSION! Now go get that degree and live your dream, or you know, you could get your degree in something that's not interesting for you and hate your life - your move, bitch."(yes, I had fun typing all that lol) Fast forward a month, I visited my advisor and told him that I wanted to change my major(I already told him I hated math earlier in the year and that I really wanted to be an astrophysicist, but business would do ) and he said, "That's what I was waiting to hear /u/KPro17. I see too many kids like you who have a passion for something, but they psych themselves out for no reason. Now let's see what we can do to catch you up in the curriculum." I'm currently on a fast track to getting my engineering degree - i'm gonna have to take summer courses and i'm probably going to have a non-existent social life, but this is my passion and nothing can stop me now. Anyways, sorry for the unexpected long post, but thank you for that - you have no idea how important it is for someone to follow what they love.

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