One of many things undoubtedly left out of the movie... #Churchill

Interesting. Cant find this direct quote. You may be quite right. Found some other interesting tidbits though.

  • Regarding use of chemical weapons against the Iraqi people. In 1920, when Churchill was Secretary of War, as part of a bombing and eradication campaign of villages: "I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas... I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes... It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gases: gases can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected."

  • Winston Churchill, during WWII, was complicit and approved the campaign by “Bomber Harris,” the British Air Field Marshall Arthur Harris, who planned the Hamburg raids. The general later boasted, “No air raid ever known before had been so terrible as that which Hamburg had endured. The second largest city in Germany, with a population of 2 million, had been wiped out in three nights.” 2 million people.

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