The one million bitcoin Satoshi owned is his last gift to all of us.

It probably would be better if it could have somehow been more evenly distributed...but for some reason, many people (normies?) just can't be bothered to acquire btc

For better or for worse, this will continue to be a huge wealth transfer towards cryptography geeks, math geeks, computer programmers, cypherpunks, austrian economics geeks and libertarians. Better that than the usual story of constant wealth transfers to bureaucrats, politicians, bankers and lawyers. In fact this will help balance out some of the wealth away from the existing cantillionaires.

on that note though, nothing stops anyone from trying an experiment to launch a cryptocurrency with a completely flat distribution across the entire world population. Not sure how you could do that logistically though. Not everyone has smart phones or a computer. Tying into existing official identity systems in each country would be a nightmare. Making sure people didn't somehow acquire more than their fair share in the original distribution round would be difficult. And even if you could somehow give everyone the same amount in the first distribution round, some people would probably immediately sell their entire stash in the first week, and then if the currency became more valuable, they'd still claim it was unfair because they didn't know it was going to become valuable. On top of all that, how would you accomplish this is a trustless and decentralized way? How would you accomplish this in a way where people could opt in voluntarily, to receiving, holding, mining, etc? It's just not feasible. With btc, the world has been given more than a decade now to get on the trustless SOV bus...

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