One of my mother’s friends went too far this time.

That ring wouldn't kill you.

1st the breaker would immediately trip.

Now after going to your now tripped breaker and gluing it to permanently on you can go back inside and repeat.

However the circuit starts and ends immediately and the prongs are connected to each other by a shorter path by the rest of the ring meaning that you're receiving a much lower percentage of the available power than you could be as most of it is being sucked back into the ground. You would still receive a shock though, which would possibly go right through you to whatever you're grounded to causing you to most likely jump. If you're wearing shoes it'd still hurt but wouldn't make you jump. If you're touching a ground with your hand it'd hurt a but more but all in all the outlet's probably going to explode before you're even shocked at all.

Tldr: The ring would short circuit or break the outlet most likely not killing you.

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