One Piece 974 Spoilers

[Spoiler] One Piece Chapter 974

WARNING: Read at your own risk! If you haven't caught up yet on the latest manga chapter, and you don't want to know the latest details beforehand, we suggest you either ignore this post or bear the consequences of getting spoiled.

TITLE: "Onward to Onigashima!!"

COVER: Gotti saves Chiffon from the Marines

QUICK SUMMARY:Spoiler one piece 974 - luffy and friends disappeared at the port of meeting but because they snuck into flower city and undercover, because Denjiro aka Kyosiro came suddenly and changed strategy. - who saved Law in prison was Denjiro - Orochi's heart is held by law strength technique, Orochi must shut up and follow the plan until the meeting in Onigashima - who betrayed when Oden used to hunt Kaido turns out to be Kanjuro, and Kanjuro is the one who told all the information about Oden's son to Doflamingo and he also gave jack vivre card to meet Zou island. - turns out Kanjuro is Kurozumi clan - 9 shadows that Mrs Toki ramal 20 years ago were not 9 followers of Oden because one of them betrayed Kanjuro and also not SHP crew because Jinbe and aladdin survived and have arrived at Wano beach that made the crew SHP to be 10. - the one in ramal madam Toki 20 years ago turns out to be 9 shadows of Zoro's Ashura because Zoro believed in the reincarnation of Ryuma the wano hero who will change the samurai country.

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*Korean spoiler confirms the flashback is over

SOURCE/S: Copy paste

Image source: DigiStatement

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