One Piece has the worst fandom

That is a very inept comparison actually , from reading those sentences i got the confirmation of the fact that you have not been in the one piece fandom for long (or atleast not long enough) i have been reading one piece from the last 13 years and i can tell you with all the confidence in the world that there is no fandom that criticises their own favourite manga/anime more than the fandom itself , every single new arc there are hoards(and i mean tons) of fans that get excited and if it doesn't turn out to be the greatest thing ever in like the next 2 chapters then they start saying shit like "Pre-ts one piece was peak" or "Oda is isn't the same anymore" shit like that and also youtubers like Morj,Rogersbase,Tekking101,Glr,Artur,Ohara,JayD and many more one piece centric youtubers have criticised one piece at several different times (the videos are available on YouTube you can search "One piece criticisms or low points" added with the name of any of the one piece youtubers mentioned above and you will find several videos dedicated on the short comings of one piece , but it's just the fact that for us one piece fans (however much you hate/dislike us) in our opinion the criticisms presented far outshines the sheer magnus quality of the series

Also - the non-one piece youtubers that criticised one piece while still being a fan of it - Nux,Joey,Gigguk and also MoistCritical(i know he's not a big one piece fan)

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