And this is one of the reasons why I love being a prosecutor

I've never been one to hide behind some random pseudonym. I don't post anything here that I feel a need to hide from. Plus, I know enough to know that anyone who really wants to, regardless of usernames, can track people on the Internet. If you think you're anonymous here or anywhere on the Internet, you're wrong.

And is this the reason why I love being a prosecutor? Of course it isn't. I didn't pick this career for the random times when something amusing happens in court. It's just kind of a nice break from dealing with the bigger fish that are a major reason behind my career choice (for example, google Dwayne Henry). Oddly enough, spending your day dealing with people who shoot, stab, rape, and murder people (or trafficking, facilitating escape)... well, now and then you end up somewhat thankful for something not quite so serious to take your mind off things.

Ultimately, it's a local story that a news agency reported that I found amusing, figured I'd share it here. Is the title I slapped on this the best? Eh, I'm sure if I'd spent time thinking on it I could have come up with something more clever and on point with the article. In fact, after giving it some thought, I agree. I shouldn't have made the subject about me since the article isn't about me. But is posting something Channel 19 reported on problematic? Not at all. (If I'd taken it upon myself to put together the story, copy transcripts, etc.; that, I'd agree, would be uncalled for.)

Also, the defendant in question, he's been around more than a few times and he's certainly not just some guy smoking dope. You may, in fact, recall he's the guy who helped facilitate some other inmate escaping the Justice Center.

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