One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

Read this before you transverse hyperspace. If you take LSD or are planning on taking LSD, then I urge you to read these two manuals for the usage of LSD. I wish I had read them before I started taking the drug.

These two texts are very short reads and provide invaluable information on the usage of LSD and other psychedelic drugs that one will not find elsewhere, and certainly not in such congregated places. Have you ever have a bad experience on LSD, or perhaps you're worried that you're going to? These texts will help you avoid that.

The first is Session Games People Play: A Manual for the Use of LSD by Lisa Bieberman. You can read this for free here:

This short pamphlet is, as its title states, a manual for the usage of LSD. Bieberman starts the pamphlet with a general guide and tips to using LSD. Then she describes a number of detrimental "games" that people often play when on LSD that make their experiences worse, and she provides ways to avoid these games.

For example, "Get Me Out of This" is a game that goes like this: "There may come the time, early in the session, when you feel uncomfortable. At this point you may think: Why did I ever get into this? I was happy enough the way I was. I don’t want to get high! I want to come down!"

Lisa Bieberman describes this game in depth, outlines why it is problematic, and provides solutions. She does the same thing for many other problematic games, and knowing what not to do on LSD lets you know what you should do, simply through the process of elimination.

The second text is The Psychedelic Experience by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert (I will refer to the author as Leary for simplicity's sake). You can read this short book for free here:

The Psychedelic Experience is another guide to the usage of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, this time focused on the three stages of the psychedelic experience (Leary calls these stages the three "Bardos"). The first Bardo is the enlightenment and ecstasy of ego death; the second Bardo is the Turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.

/r/LSD Thread