One of Swedens largest political parties today stated that they will work tirelessly with bringing about 6-hour workdays in Sweden.

I didn't see the original commented that's now removed, but I lived in Sweden for 5 years, I voted for the Left Party (the one that wants a 6-hour workday) and I can tell you from first-hand experience there are "no-go" zones in Sweden. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that. Sweden is not the perfect country that we're made to believe it is. That country's got plenty of problems to work on. In the town where I most recently lived, there was only one "no-go" zone, a district populated almost entirely by immigrants living in shabby high-rise apartment buildings. I only went there once and my girlfriend and I got enough stares that we never went back again. It's one of those places you've probably read about with the occasional grenade attack and where medics are sometimes assaulted. Those places are real, unfortunately, not a fabrication of right-wing bloggers.

But if OP was trying to use those places to make an anti-immigrant argument or to paint all immigrants as violent criminals... sorry, I can't agree there. I've got nothing against immigrants anywhere, they face a lot of challenges that we'll never know and they're ultimately just trying to improve their lives and the lives of their family members -- most of us would do the same in their shoes.

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