one thing abt restrictive anorexics...WE GON LIE

I too absolutely hate lying, especially to those I care about, but I also hate to make them worry. :( so I’ve lied a lot still. but rather than lying I try to avoid answering, or lie while staying as close to the truth as possible. or just really vaguely. like if someone asks me what I’ve eaten today, and I haven’t eaten enough I’ll just mention a thing that I’ve had at least one bite of and say I’ve eaten ”lots” or ”a little bit of everything”. I just give really messy answers basically. hiding stuff feels better than lying with words.

I’ve told them that I hate it when they ask and some of my family members listens to that. they’re used to my shit. but I’m better now so it isn’t as bad as it used to be

/r/EDAnonymous Thread