One in three Germans say capitalism to blame for poverty, hunger: The survey found that more than 60 percent of Germans believe there is no genuine democracy in their country because industry has too much political influence and that the voice of the voters plays only a subordinate role.

It's funny how complex issues are blamed for societies problems. I mean, how easy is that? If something is complex enough, it's like a whole pit of circular arguments where you can never really understand everything. You can only understand a little. "I blame that rich company". Ok. So we have a society with advanced technology to make our lives easier and less demanding. We have educational systems, probably the most advanced in the world. We can learn from how to operate a business to become the most efficient as possible. (Note, most businesses don't hardly have anything to do with politics. Some do, but the majority don't). These businesses hire the most educated people they can find. Some pay them a little as possible, some pay them as much as possible. Does that business maximize profits for the shareholders? Well yeah. That's what you hired someone to do. Should society get mad if they succeed?

Let's say we give small businesses a pass and only look at large businesses. They've probably found some model or mechanism for sustained growth. Is it unfair? I don't know. It's a pretty unfair generalization to say so. But we can safely assume, a large corporation has utilized the combined efforts of hundreds, probably thousands of intelligent individuals to make them money. None in the modern world were forced into it. Did they feel compelled? Well probably. We all need money. Most have entered into some sort of debt. We see so many opportunities to spend money EVERYWHERE we go we constantly feel the need for more.

So what do we do? We blame the businesses. Sometimes these corporations are unfair. But most, are simply doing what everyone wants to do: Make more money.

You know what my father blames his failing business on? The government. A little on society. Sometimes on exploiting customers. Sometimes on employees. Mostly on government. He's someone who actually took care of his employees most of his life. They also took advantage of him and stole as much as they could because he helped them out. He has some cause to blame other people, but government is the easiest to blame.

Business can be tough. Maximizing profits is a delicate process that has apparently involved a lot of people doing as much as they can. Sometimes they exploit, but it remains a very complex process with a lot of variables.

Politics is also a complex system. I won't even get into that, because the truth is the more I learn about both business and politics, the more I realize I really don't know.

But because I'm poor and haven't made money yet, I'll blame politics too. I guess it's because it's possible politics can make our lives even easier than it is today. It's the easiest out. And everyone seems to agree. I have a life about 100x better than the majority of the people in the world all for about $1200 a month. Am I scared? Yeah. Has it gotten bad? Yep. It might get worse. I hope it gets better. If I don't, you get bet it's the politicians and all the people who vote for them and the people who don't vote for the better person. Why? I don't know. Because I said so. and I get to have a say.

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