One Year Later, Obama Failing on Promise to Rein in NSA

You have good points. All are valid.

All I'm saying is that people should know the difference between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of our government. How they interact. What they are specifically responsible for. How the powers of authority are balanced.

I believe that most Presidents run on a platform but when they actually get elected and receive "the briefing" they have an "oh shit" moment of shell shock.

I personally believe that 1st-term-Senator Obama came into office exceptionally more naive than the majority of previous US Presidents.

Let us remember, for memory's sake, the foundation of President Obama's running platform. HE PROMISED GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY. Not only did he continue the policies of the previous administration, HE EXPANDED them. If he really wanted to be a President worth remembering and a man of his word, he would have sat in front of a camera and addressed the nation on day 1 of learning about the NSA's domestic spying program.

"I come to you with sad news this evening. But I made you, my countrymen and women, a promise. I have discovered that the direction our country has taken is one that I cannot bear to see. After 9/11 we were scared. We let fear coerce us into making exceptions and blurring the lines of right and wrong. Tonight, I make you another promise...No more...Not on my watch."

Can you imagine? It would have been historic. Our country would still have the moral high ground and the respect of the international community, at least more so than we do now with Snowden egg all over our face. We could have faced our problems honestly, and head on, as people of character would. He could have given us something to be proud about. In our moment of shame he could have given us integrity, something to be proud of. Instead, we got someone who SAYS really great sounding things, but doesn't actually DO anything.

I am a moderate. I didn't vote for Obama. I didn't want him to win. But when he did win I also began to hope, just as all those who voted for him hoped, that he would change things. But President Obama did more damage to our country than most people realize. He promised us "hope." He promised to turn Washington on its head. He promised to be our white knight. We believed him. Even more, we believed in him. But those were all just words. Empty words. He offered us hope, and in the end that's exactly what he broke in us. He made us realize that he's just like all the rest. That our system is broken, even "hope"-less. That there is no hope, only charlatans in dark suits.

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