In One Year MSNBC Covered Stormy Daniels 455 Time. War in Yemen 0

I am a very regular person. I watch the news, watch some alternative media, and read subs like this one mostly for fun. I'm not sure I take most of the conspiracies I see posted here very seriously, but I try to stay generally informed about what is and what might be going on in the world.

With that said, I really know nothing about Yemen or what is happening over there. I know that Saudi Arabia is doing horrible things that the international community is calling war crimes. I know the United States is supply arms. I know MBS is behind the war. And that's it. I don't know who specifically in the United States benefits, or what the calculus is behind US involvement. I'm not even clear on the extent of US involvement beyond selling arms.

Even after this post prompted me to do some searches, I'm still extremely unclear on what the heck is actually going on over there and why.

So yeah, I agree that the MSM has done a remarkably bad job of keeping John-Q-Public informed, and its clearly for ulterior reasons. How am I, as an average person, supposed to feel about this though? If you believe even 10% of what is posted on this sub, then you know that bad stuff is going on everywhere. The media lies constantly. Old rich white guys rule the world and do horrible things. Just another day, right?

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