The Onion’s bias is showing again

A slave uprising that killed a few thousand slave owners is hardly a genocide of any sorts, and that was from hundreds of years ago. There are so many myths regarding whites in South Africa (where blacks are murdered at far higher rates and are far poorer) that I’m just going to link this video. I am not one to ignore an ethnostate at all. It’s horrible no matter who is doing it. I will fight against those who support and advocate for them (like yourself). The squad has no violent bone in their bodies. They want to protect Americans from injustice and secure rights every human being should have. They are not out to hurt you nor white people. I don’t know what you want Democrats to do about these supposed black ethnostates that you claim exist everywhere, but the domestic threats of white nationalism and racism are very real and should of course be focused on. I am sorry if I am shaming you or belittling you in any way, as that is not my intention. Your views are a product of systematic ills that seek somebody to blame for them. I hope you can see that the average Muslim or POC person is much like you and only wants to improve the country that we live in.

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