Online Dating explained in Planet Earth

If the woman wants an abortion, she can have one regardless of the man's opinion.

I feel like there could be extenuating circumstances, what if the man becomes infertile after the initial impregnation?

I feel like there might be complications with just giving the sole choice in the matter to one party or the other.

I feel like of course in the face of a woman having a fucking "Alien" style screaming attack "Get it out of me, get it out of me!!"

Sure, if she's that adamant about it, of course, but I feel like if that occurs, and the man has had something happen to where he can't have another child, and is in dire need of this last chance, that the woman should be forced to make some kind of restitution for taking that man's possible future away from him, children are important, they usually, at least in the past take care of you when you are old and infirm, they are there when you need them cus you're supposed to raise em right.

I mean there are fair examples here today even.

People suing the cops for the lost future income of their child after the cops kill the kid, I feel like in certain cases lost potential revenue, or lost potential heir could be compensated by the party that absolutely had to end the pregnancy whether that be the woman, or the man.

the man changing his mind after is fine, if you enter into an agreement you have to fulfill.

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