The only K-9 worth Copping from... Happy Day 'Ø Rest you filthy animals. Onelove

(Mostly unrelated but felt like writing. Feel free to disregard this comment.)

Damnfamily. At least you found some relief.

Our opoid "crisis" will soon turn to a stimulant epidemic in the 2020s since they are now over prescribing Adderall left and right. Once the nation completely turns to boi, and purity decrease to the point of only fent flooding the streets(pretty much there) people will soon turn to Meth due to it being more economic and literally everywhere. Meth being highly pure, Adderall will become obsolete due to prescription restrictions along with the inflation of price. These people need to work/clean/study so they soon trun to shard as its "only one molecule off from Adderall" . Meth purity will decrease by half and people will consume twice as much. Government cracks down outrageously out of nowhere becoming difficult to manufacture which in turn, pumps that back into the opoid market. It will begin to rise and become increasingly easier to obtain large quantities of raw from the source. With all this weight but not enough clientele, H begins to tsunami the inner city's. Soon it becomes cool and romantic to become addicted to H like what happened in the 90s with films like Pulp Fiction / Train Spotting / Drugstore Cowboys glorified the junkie life style/obsession (even the negatives). there has to be at least a 10 year gap from this current opiate crisis to the next one. By then we wil have control over many poppy fields to begin the process again. Rinse and repeat untill its 1984.

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