"You only get to launch on Steam once" - so in the end, did they do it right? What's your opinion after release

From Anet? Yes.

New tutorial is good. Balance changes were nice. (a 10th anniversary stream with lw6 trailer would be nice tho). New lead dev on the community side, let's see if it gets better.

From NCSoft? No.

I know memeing on Anet marketing is good and fun, but people need to keep in mind that after the layoffs the publishing rights went to NCSoft West directly. Which means that, actually, they are the ones responsable for marketing the game. When Anet was also publishing the game was the marketing good? No. Is good now? No. Was good for the steam release? No. Numbers could've been better.

A peak of 5.5k concurrent players is what? 40k-50k active accounts? Give or take. The numbers still need to stabilize, but they are not bad at all.

Biggest problem, as usual, people don't know game is releasing on steam.

/r/Guildwars2 Thread Link - i.redd.it