OnLy MoMs NeEd CoFfEe

Whoever made/stylized this meme originally...I am fairly certain the intersection of, um, maybe like the 3 venn-diagram circles they were going for: cool homeless youth culture?; urban professional?; and power mommy?

I am fairly sure their circles don't exist as such, but anyway the intersection would not be a Columbia University grad student with a spotless mini-mall lot discount sign board. (She kicked off her White Topsiders maybe because she is over it, gals.)

Or maybe she lost them robbing a gas station's supply room of their entire stock of little black letters to go with the sign....she has like every damn letter she needs. That is the missing piece: loads of some Batman Villain concoction of a super-drug for her spree.

Oh wait her face is not crazy or high or exploding or radioactive.

Still a mystery. Sorry for the ramble. Pretty tired. No kids, either. And also crap I have roots growing in-she has no roots. I should get to the back of the fucking line no excuse for my hair or my sleep.

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