Only thing which keeps jungle afloat is Cinderhulk.

I see post like this all the time and I'm reminded of that placebo thread where winrates and play rates dropped due to nerfs that didn't even go into the game but were mistakenly put into the patch notes. You people are all a bunch of sheep.

The jungle is completely fine. Just cause competitive players prefer a narrow range of champs and everyone mindlessly copies them doesn't mean those are the only viable champs in the jungle. Even the pro's just mindlessly copy other pro's. There's so many champions that are viable or even OP now in the jungle, but nobody plays because everyone builds them wrong and nobody understands jungle pathing.

Here's some tips:

1) Since they reduced the damage of raptors, probably about half the cast of champions, including all viable or semi-viable junglers, can do the following route and hit level 3 with enough hp to gank (60%+) and also enough mana (enough for one rotation). This route is so easy that i've done it on a summoner level 10 amumu and had enough hp and mana to gank. The route is: Krugs --> Raptors --> (wait for smite to be 13 sec from cd) --> red. You get the krugs stun, and the 20% hp back from smiting red, so both your smites are keeping you high HP, which is why the route works so well. But morons won't do this route because they think that waiting 5 sec for smite to come back up before red is a waste of time, so then they'll spend that same 5 sec running all the way to blue just to end the route 20% hp lower...

2) Magus enchant is actually really good. Nobody fucking buys it for some reason, and nobody plays the junglers that it's good on. It's great on Eve, Fizz, Akali, Karthus, fiddlesticks, or even fucking cassio. It's trash on sejuani, which is why sejuani was hardly played before cinderhulk was added, because everyone moronically built her AP. (she scales off hp, guys!) She was always extremely strong long before cinderhulk, for years she was strong, ever since her rework which added a knockback to her Q, but nobody fucking played her because everyone mindlessly copied AP builds for her and ranked fucking E first when W was always the obvious thing to rank. Do people really think the diff between the removed juggernaut and now nerfed-into-the-ground cinderhulk, or minor changes to her W, was enough to turn the "top" current jungler to never played trash tier? It's not. She was always viable. She was viable during the AD jungle "assassin" meta, she was viable during the feral flare meta, she'll still be viable once cinderhulk gets more nerfs and she's no longer FOTM. Gragas was the same way. he's been a viable jungler since forever, but people would dodge games when i picked him back in S2. There's always been sleeper junglers. In S1 people called me a troll for jungling fucking Maokai. The current strongest "sleeper" jungler that i know of right now is Fizz... He WILL be picked up in competitive, unless he gets nerfed, which seems unlikely since nobody plays him now... it's not a question of if it's a question of when. His rework may have been a nerf to midlane but its a huge buff to jungling, since with the ult amp damage he can 1 shot people with if he lands his fish and follows with skirmisher's smite, even without building full AP or having much gold. Try jungling fizz with magus enchant and iceborn gauntlet and then go wreck faces. It's not like fizz is hard to play. Go on, try it. Use the starting jungle route i posted in point #1. Then come back tell me that only cinderhulk junglers are viable.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread