Only vegans can love animals (x-post from r/vegan)

You would be okay with painlessly castrating/mutilating an animal against its will, taking it from its family, keeping it an enclosed area like a backyard the majority of its life and exert total control over its life and diet... so long as we don't kill it and eat it?

I didn't know you killed your pets while they were in there prime for no reason.

So that's a yes? As long as I don't kill and eat it for the reason of wanting meat?

I find that not killing animals is a lot easier.

Okay, then I'll do it. It's not like anything will happen to me or you can stop me.

But how, exactly, can we overhaul the animal agriculture industry in a way that is humane?

Probably the same way we've been improving the humane treatment of animals over the past few centuries? By introducing and adjusting animal welfare laws?

What I meant was that it's a terribly bad argument to say that because there is no way to be a 100% harm-free consumer then that means we should continue to do whatever we like regardless of the consequences.

It also doesn't mean I should stop, especially because you think it's wrong. Again, nothing will happen to me for continuing to eat meat and you literally cannot stop me.

If I killed a puppy "painlessly" and then didn't eat it, how is it worse than if I did the exact same thing and then did eat it?

Again, because it's wasteful. Why kill something you have no intention of using?

Yeah I do think people who get enjoyment out of inflicting pain are bad people.

Too bad. Fetish/kink shaming having makes you the intolerant one.

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